Border Plantings

|Lawn Border Plantings|

 -  A mix of perennials and ornamental shrubs soften the transition from lawn to property line

 - Sun-filled borders are a great opportunity to add colour to your yard

 - A distinct edge defines the border between lawn and garden, and creates an attractive line of shadow that leads the eye along the planting

|Patio Border Plantings|

 - A mix of perennials and ornamental shrubs soften the transition from hardscape to softscape

 - Consider salt-tolerant plants if the adjacent patio receives de-icing salt in the Winter

|Naturalized Yard Borders|

 - Native & naturalized species only

 - Leaves are never raked out of garden beds

 - Minimal, selective, weeding

 - Only prune to preserve lawn

 - Efficient, ecological & progressive


 - Planting

 - Pruning

 - Yew

 - Cedar

 - Boxwood

 - Privet (pictured)

 - Bridal Wreath Spirea